Intermediate word of the day: mortgage

A mortgage is a special kind of loan - money we borrow from a bank from a bank - that we get to buy some property - a house or flat. Obviously, buying a house is expensive so you might…

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Intermediate word of the day: embrace

Embrace literally means to put your arms around someone, but in conversation we more often use the word hug – he gave me a hug / she hugged him, etc. Embrace is more commonly used to mean that you accept…

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Intermediate word of the day: peak

If something peaks, it reaches its highest or best point, value or level of skill before then becoming worse, lower or less successful. So what kind of things can peak? Athletes and sports players generally peak at a certain age.…

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Intermediate word of the day: ban

If you ban something, you say officially that people must not do, sell or use it. People can also be banned - if it's officially said that they're not allowed to do something. Here are some things that are sometimes…

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Intermediate word of the day: protest

When you protest against something or you protest in support of something, you do something to show that you are upset about an issue and want a change. Here are things people do to protest: They hold a demonstration and…

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Intermediate word of the day: negotiations

Negotiations happen when different people or organisations both want one thing to happen – they want to form a government, start a business, end a war together, and so on - but they also have different needs or aims that…

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